
Halloween: Answering WH questions

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  • When is the spider spinning her web?
    at night
  • Who is wearing the ghost costume?
    a dog
  • How many eyes does the costume have?
  • What is she flying on?
    a vacuum cleaner!
  • What is the dog carrying?
    a package/box
  • What made that web?
    a spider
  • What did the woman do when she saw the pumpkin head?
  • What is the skeleton using the bone for?
    to play music/as a flute
  • How did the witches get through the window?
    They flew on a broom!
  • Why is he running?
    He was scared.
  • What is coming out of the jack-o-lantern?
  • Who is driving?
    the skeleton
  • Where are they talking?
    in a pumpkin field
  • What scared the trick or treaters?
  • What are they doing?
    Taking the insides out of a pumpkin
  • Where is this guy?
    in a cemetary/graveyard
  • What is he trying to do?
    Get the pumpkin on/off his head
  • How did the kids get all that candy?
    trick or treating!
  • What is this person dressed as?
    a cactus
  • Where is the cat?
    in the pumpkin
  • What are they doing?
    Looking at the treats in their bags.
  • What is the Star Wars dog doing?
  • What do they want?
  • Where is she pouring that?
    Into a kettle/cauldron
  • Who is dressed like a ghost?
    two bees
  • Why are they happy?
    They are getting a lot of candy!
  • What are the cats doing?
    Making a brew/soup
  • What kind of costume would use this hat?
    a witch