
ske7-final review- u5-8

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  • What time does/ do she get up?
  • Are/Is there any fries?
    Are there any fries.
  • A doctor use/uses a guitar.
    A doctor uses a guitar.
  • The children is/ are taking photos.
    The children are taking photos.
  • A farmer grow/ grows food.
    A farmer grows food.
  • What time do/does you eat lunch?
  • I'm dance/ dancing
    I'm dancing
  • A builder scores goals/ works outside.
    works outside
  • Is there/ Are there any juice in the vending machine? Yes, there is.
    Is there any juice in the vending machine?
  • She get up/ gets up at 7.00 am.
    gets up
  • My cousin is/ are opening a present.
    My cousin is opening a present.
  • He's listen to music/ listening to music.
    He's listening to music.
  • What time do you take/takes a bath?
  • Are/ Is there any beans?
    Are there any beans?