
Bible Unit 2 Review BJU

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  • God helped Joseph resist the temptation to sin with Potiphar
  • Abram ______ God and obediently went where God told him to go.
  • God commanded Abraham to off Isaac as a ________.
  • Abram offered sacrifices on altars to _______his thankfulness and praise to God.
  • God helped Joseph resist the temptation to sin with Potiphar
  • What word makes this sentence TRUE? Through Jacob's dream about a ladder from heaven, God "confirmed/revoked" the covenant. He had previously made with Jacob.
  • While in Egypt, Abram lied to Pharaoh by not saying that Sarai was his _______
  • Abraham had 2 sons, but God's covenant was established only with _______.
  • T or F. God helped Joseph correctly interpret dreams while in prison.
  • Name 2 situations in Joseph's responses honored God.
    Answers may vary.
  • T or F. God helped Joseph resist the temptation to sin with Potiphar's wife.
  • T or F. Jacob punished his sons for ling about what had happened to Joseph.
  • Pharaoh sent wagons to help move Joseph's family to Egypt.
  • God confirmed His covenant with Abram by changing his name to Abraham and one of Sarah's servants had a son they named _________.
  • T or F. God helped Joseph by giving him the wisdom to raise and store food for the famine.
  • T or F. God helped Joseph resist the punishment of Potiphar and seek a retrial?
  • T or F. God helped Joseph seek revenge on his brothers?
  • T or F. Joseph saw that God meant for good to come from his going to Egypt.
  • Abraham & Isaac demonstrated _______ & trust as they prepared to sacrifice Isaac.
  • Abram refused a ________ from the King of Sodom.
  • Although they were afraid of Joseph when he revealed himself to them, Joseph's brothers did not ask his forgiveness until after the death of Jacob.
  • What makes this sentence TRUE? The one tribe that did not receive a regular portion of land because they were priests was the tribe of "Judah/ Joshua/ Levi"
  • T or F. The brothers' hatred led them to sell Joseph into slavery.
  • T or F. Joseph's brothers told their father about selling him.
  • Abraham viewed himself as a temporary resident in the land God had given him because he was looking forward to another city. That other city was "Cananan/ the new Jerusalem/ the new Ur"
    the NEW Jerusalem
  • What were the 2 main parts of the covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob?
    He would give them land, and their descendants would be more than the sand, stars, or dust of the earth.
  • How do Christians & God communicate?
    Through Bible reading and prayer
  • What makes this sentence TRUE? How did Abraham's servant know what girl to choose as a wife for Isaac? He considered her "talents & skills, kindness & character, looks & wealth"
    kindness & character
  • What word makes this sentence TRUE? Rebekah helped Jacob deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the birthright of the "first/more loyal son"..
  • After Abram's victory in the battle to rescue Lot and the other people of Sodom & Gomorrah from the enemy kings, Abram thanked God with a _______ of the goods from battle.
  • God sent ______ to Pharoah and his family because of Abram's lie.