
Marvel Coping Skills

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  • What can you do if you feel upset or angry at school?
    Talk to a friends, Teacher, staff member you trust
  • Hulk is angry what is something he can do to calm down?
    take a break, take deep breaths, ask to talk to someone
  • If your friend falls what can you do to make them feel better?
    Help them up, ask if they are okay, ask if they need anything
  • How do you think grout feels?
  • What does sad look like or feel like? (remember everyones sad feelings can look and feel different)
  • The avengers are a team that call upon each other when they need help. Who is someone you could talk to if you need help?
    teacher, parent, friend
  • if you lose a game and say hurtful things how do you think your friends will feel? will they want to play with you again?
  • Thor lost his hammer how do you think he feels?
    upset, angry
  • Whats a coping skill you can use when you feel upset?
    take a break, breath, ask to speak to someone, count to 10
  • What is a coping skill?
    Is something you can do when you are feeling angry or sad to make yourself feel better