
Kid's Box 3 - Unit 6 (Shall I...?)

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  • A: Dad, I'm very _________. /  B: (get)
    Dad, I'm very hungry. / Shall I get you an apple?
  • A: It's really _______ here! /  B:(open)
    It's really hot here! / Shall I open the window?
  • A: I'm _________. / B: (get)
    I'm tired. / Shall I get a chair?
  • A: This homework is _________. / B: (help)
    This homework is difficult. / Shall I help you?
  • A: Mom, I'm _________. /  B: (get)
    Mom, I'm cold. / Shall I get you a blanket?
  • A: I'm _________! / B: (make or get)
    I'm hungry! / Shall I get you a sandwich?
  • A: I'm ________.  / B: (get)
    I'm thirsty! / Shall I get you some water / a drink?
  • A: The board is _________.  / B:(clean)
    The board is dirty. / Shall I clean it?
  • A: I'm really _________! / B: (get)
    I'm really thirsty! / Shall I get you a drink / some water?