
13-story treehouse

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  • What happened to Barky when he barked at the gorilla?
    Stomped him
  • Who did Andy and Terry need to give their new book?
    Mr Big Nose
  • What did terry and Andy need to give to Mr Big Nose?
    Their new book
  • Who does Mermaidia like?
  • Who is Jill?
    Their neighbor ( she lives with many animals)
  • How did the gorilla go back to the island?
    The cats carried him
  • Name 3 animals that live in Jill's home
    dog, goat, horses, goldfish, cow, rabbits, guinea pigs, camel, donkey, cat.
  • What came in the mail for terry?
    a package of sea-monsters
  • What did terry hit Andy with?
    a big banana
  • What is the missing cat's name?
  • What four words were written on terry's book?
    Once upon a time
  • How did the get rid off the sea-monster?
    With a skrinker gun
  • Who is Mermaidia?
    a sea-monster, wants to eat terry and andy
  • Why did the gorilla come to the treehouse?
    Thought they had more big bananas
  • Name 2 of Terrys drawing
    knife, banana or worm
  • Who saved Terry and Andy from the gorilla?
    A flock of catnaries
  • What is a catnary?
    a cat that turned into a bird
  • How did they get rid of all the monkeys in the treehouse?
    threw them to island with big banana
  • Who came to meet Terry in a limo?
    Barky The Barky dog
  • What happened when terry threw the cat from the deck?
    It grew wings and flew away
  • How did the gorilla go to the treehouse?
    used the banana as a boat
  • What was chapter 6 about?
    Willy The Dog
    Andy's small brain
    Barky Dog show
    Terry's Big nose
  • T or F : Terry lied to Jill about the truth of her cat
  • What is the monkey house?
    Terry and Andy's old job
  • What color was catnary?
    bright yellow
  • Where do Terry and Andy write their books
    In the treehouse
  • What is something on Terry's To-Do List?
  • What happened to Jill's cat?
    Turned into a canary (Terry lost him)
  • Name 4 rooms in the treehouse
    shark tank, movie room, andy's room, terry's room, bathroom, swimming pool, observation deck
  • What did terry and andy do in the monkey house?
    peel bananas, groom the monkeys, clean their poop
  • What did Jill do to find her cat?
    Put up missing poster
  • What did Terry have a picture of?
    His finger