
What Can You Do?

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  • You want to invite your friend Rachel to go see a movie together. What can you say?
    Want to go see a movie with me this weekend?
  • A friend slips and falls down in the hallway. What can you say?
    Are you ok? Can I help you?
  • Your friend invites you to come over over the weekend and you can't go. What can you say?
    I wish I could, but I already have plans this weekend. Maybe next weekend.
  • You see someone at recess that you would like to be friends with. What can you say to them?
    Hi, what is your name? Want to play a game together?
  • Your friend asks you to play Go Fish with him at free time. What could you say?
    Yes, that would be fun.
  • You want to play with your friend over the weekend? What can you say?
    Want to come over this weekend? I will ask my parents if you can come over this weekend.
  • Your friend told you that her team won the basketball championship game over the weekend. What could you say?
    Wow! Congrats! Great Job!
  • You see your friend crying at lunch. What could you say?
    Are you ok? Want to talk about what is bothering you?
  • You see a student at recess sitting by themselves with no one to play with. What can you say to them?
    Want to come play with me and my friends?
  • You invite a friend to your birthday party, but they cannot make it. What can you say?
    Thank you for letting me know. We will miss you!
  • Your friend tells you a safe secret. What could you say?
    How exciting! I won't tell anyone.
  • Your friend drew a picture in art class. What could you say?
    That looks great! I love your picture.
  • Your friend is in the blue zone this morning because they got in a fight with their sister. What could you say?
    Are you ok? Would you like to talk about it?
  • You accidentally stepped on your friend's foot. He is mad at you. What could you say?
    I am sorry I stepped on your foot. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you ok?
  • Your friend's favorite dog died over the weekend. What could you say?
    I am sorry your dog died. Tell me your favorite memory with your dog.
  • A classmate dropped their pencil box and their pencils went all over the floor. What can you say?
    I will help you clean up.
  • A new student joins your class. What can you say?
    What is your name? Where are you from? What do you like to do?