
How have things changed?

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  • Ask the other team a question about social media in the future.
  • What will fast food be like in 50 years?
    Use the FUTURE TENSE
  • Correct the error: In 100 years, we might had flying cars.
    In 100 years, we might have flying cars.
  • Who is the best singer alive nowadays?
  • What was the best thing about life before there was internet?
    Use the PAST TENSE
  • Correct the error: These days, online shopping will be better than going to malls.
    These days, online shopping is better than going to malls.
  • Ask the other team a question about traveling in the past.
  • Tell us about about fashion in Morocco in 1850
    Use the PAST TENSE only
  • Talk about communication technologies 400 years ago.
    Use the PAST TENSE
  • Correct the error: 15 years ago, Facebook does not exist
    15 years ago, Facebook did not exist.
  • Who invented the airplane?
    The Wright Brothers
  • Shopping in 2005
    Use the PAST TENSE
  • When will we find a cure for the common cold?
    A year in the future
  • What will your house look like in 20 years?
    Use the FUTURE TENSE
  • What places might you travel to in the next year?
    Use the FUTURE TENSE
  • University education 10 years from now
    Use the FUTURE TENSE
  • Will environmental problems get better or worse in 100 years? Why?
    Use the FUTURE TENSE