
Go Getter 2 Revision 3&4

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  • Mount Everest is __________ mountain in the world. (high)
    Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
  • The Pirates of the Caribbean is __________ film. (expensive)
    The Pirates of the Caribbean is the most expensive film.
  • Tigers are ________ than tortoises. (fast)
    Tigers are faster than tortoises.
  • The Great Wall of China is __________ wall in the world. (long)
    The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world.
  • Say it in English: Слони більші, ніж тигри.
    Elephants are bigger than tigers.
  • Italian pizzas are __________ in the world. (popular)
    Italian pizzas are the most popular in the world.
  • Say it in English: Мій тато добрий та сильний.
    My dad is kind and strong.
  • Я думаю, математика легка, але історія важка.
    I think, Maths is easy but History is difficult.
  • Monkeys are ________ animals. (funny)
    Monkeys are the funniest animals.
  • Say it in English: Жирафи вищі, ніж слони.
    Giraffes are taller than elephants.
  • Dogs are _________ than cats. (intelligent)
    Dogs are more intelligent than cats.
  • Say it in English: Леви більш небезпечні, ніж зебри.
    Lions are more dangerous than zebras.
  • Say it in English: Що ти думаєш про мультфільми?
    What do you think of cartoons?
  • Say it in English: На мою думку, цей фільм трохи дурний.
    In my opinion, this film is a bit silly.