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  • Being quiet when someone is speaking. Respectful or Disrespectful?
  • Laughing at someone when they make a mistake. 
    Disrespectful. We are all learning so it is respectful to be patient when someone else is learning. We can even encourage them.
  • Helping out a family member who is ill.
  • Cutting in line in front of somebody. 
    Disrespectful. Got to the end of the line
  • Scratching a car that belongs to someone else.
    Disrespectful. Walking respectfully past the car, do not scratch or touch it
  • Blurting out when the teacher is talking.
    Disrepectful. What until the teacher is done talking, raise your hand, say "excuse me"
  • Saying "please" when asking for something. 
  • Saying "Excuse me" when you pass in front of someone. 
  • Looking at your cell phone when a teacher or student is talking.
    Disrespectful. You should look and face the person who is talking.
  • Saying "You're Wrong!" when someone answers a questions wrong in class.
    Disrespectful. Do not say anything or use kinder words and tone of voice.
  • Asking for help when you are confused on an assignment.
  • When a teacher asks you to work on a writing assignment, but instead of writing you watch youtube. When your teacher walks by you shut your computer.
    Disrespectful. In school you should be working on task. If you need help you can ask your teacher.
  • Obeying the curfew at home. 
  • Doing things your way, even though the boss wants it done a different way. 
    Disrespectful. Complete the job the way the boss wants it done.
  • Using kind words towards your classmates.
    It is respectful to use kind words with others
  • Interrupting someone who is trying to make a point. 
    Disrespectful. What until the person is done talking. Say "excuse me".
  • Pushing someone when you are angry. 
    It is disrespectful to push someone.
  • Rolling your eyes at someone when they ask you to do something.
    Disrespectful. Rolling your eyes is a sign of disrespect.
  • Not answering when a teacher asks you a question.
    Disrespectful. The teacher will think you are not paying attention so try to answer or raise your hand.
  • Walking through your neighbors yard.
    Disrespectful- Do not cut through the yard. Walk around or on the sidewalk.
  • Saying "Shut up!"
    Disrespectful. Leave the area or so "please be quiet"
  • Littering. 
    Disrespectful. Throw away your trash in the trash can.