
Business idioms and vocabulary

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  • B2B
    (Business-to-Business): Companies that sell to other businesses rather than consumers.
  • Stakeholder
    Individuals or groups with an interest in the success of a project or organization.
  • Market segmentation
    Dividing a market into distinct groups of potential customers.
  • We need to iron out the details of the contract before finalizing.
    To "iron out" means to resolve or work through any issues, problems, or uncertainties in a contract, agreement, or plan to make it smooth and trouble-free.
  • Our team needs to align our efforts for a seamless collaboration.
    To "align efforts" means to coordinate or synchronize the actions and goals of team members to work together smoothly and efficiently.
  • B2C
    (Business-to-Consumer): Companies that sell directly to individual consumers.
  • Make a long story short
    Summarize something briefly.
  • to hit the ground running
    Start a project or task quickly and efficiently.
  • KPI
    (Key Performance Indicator): Metrics used to evaluate the success of a project or company.
  • I'll provide a status update on the client's project shortly.
    A "status update" is a report or summary of the current progress, developments, or situation of a particular project or task.
  • In the red
    Operating at a financial loss.
  • I'm confident that our proposal will resonate with the client.
    To "resonate with" means to have a strong and positive impact or connection with someone, in this case, the client, suggesting that the proposal will be well-re
  • to think outside the box
    Encourage creative and innovative thinking.
  • Get the ball rolling
    Start a project or process.
  • Let's touch base later to discuss progress.
    This idiom means to reconnect or have a brief discussion to update each other on a particular situation or project.
  • We should brainstorm new ideas for the upcoming project.
    "Brainstorm" means to generate creative and spontaneous ideas and solutions through group discussion and collaboration.
  • Value proposition
    The unique benefit a product or service offers to customers.
  • Synergy
    The combined effectiveness of individuals or entities working together.
  • Go the extra mile
    Put in extra effort to achieve success.
  • cutting-edge
    Refers to the latest and most advanced technology or ideas.
  • ROI
    (Return on Investment): A measure of the profitability of an investment.
  • SWOT analysis
    A structured planning method for evaluating a project's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • The new product launch is right around the corner.
    "Right around the corner" indicates that something is very close or imminent, in this case, referring to an upcoming product launch.
  • Turn a blind eye
    Deliberately ignore something, often a problem.
  • M&A
    (Mergers and Acquisitions): The consolidation of companies through various financial transactions.
  • The ball is in your court
    It's now your responsibility or decision.
  • Bottom line
    The most important aspect or result.
  • I have a few insights to share from our latest market research.
    "Insights" refer to valuable and deep understandings or perspectives gained from a specific activity, in this case, market research. The speaker is indicating t