
VideoGame Comp Card (SpeechTimeFun)

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  • When was "Pong" created?
    The game "Pong" was created in 1972.
  • What other type of games do you think people play with the Wii controller?
  • What is the main idea of this passage? What is it mostly about?
    This passage is about the history of video games.
  • What is special about the Wii’s controller?
    It can be used like a tennis racket or to bowl!
  • When was the video game Super Mario Bros released?
    It was released in 1985.
  • Why do you think the first video game was called “Pong”?
    I think the first video game was called Pong because it was like playing ping pong.
  • What was the name of the first video game?
    The name of the first video game was "Pong"
  • What year was the Wii introduced?
    The Wii was first introduced in 2006.
  • Find the word RELEASED in the passage and reread the sentence. What do you think RELEASED it means?
    Released means to set free OR to put out something