
My style

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  • What are they playing?
    They are playing football.
  • What is the cat wearing?
    It's wearing boots.
  • Describe her characteristic:
    She has green eyes.
  • What are those?
    Those are shoes.
  • What is he doing?
    He is skating.
  • What does the woman want to buy?
    She wants to buy a jacket.
  • What is the name of this sport?
    It's name is cycling.
  • Describe his characteristic:
    He has brown eyes.
  • Describe her hair:
    She has short, straight blond hair.
  • What is the name of this sport?
    It's name is gymnastics.
  • Describe the left guy height:
    He is tall.
  • What does the Wonder Woman take out?
    She takes out the skirt.
  • Describe his characteristic:
    He has blue eyes.
  • What is she wearing?
    She's wearing jeans.
  • What is he wearing?
    He's wearing a shirt.
  • What is Moana doing?
    Moana is sailing.
  • Describe her hair:
     She has short, curly dark hair.
  • Describe her hair:
    She has long, straight blond hair.
  • What is the guy wearing?
    He's wearing a cap.
  • What are they doing?
    They are doing yoga.
  • What is Cinderela wearing?
    Cinderela is wearingg a dress.
  • Describe the right lady height:
    She is short.
  • What is the name of this sport?
    It's name is snowboarding.
  • What is this guy doing?
    He is doing karate.
  • What is the name of this sport?
    It's name is jogging.
  • What is the name of this sport?
    It's name is volleyball.
  • What is he doing?
    He is surfing.
  • Describe her hair:
    She has long, curly dark hair.
  • What are they playing?
    They are playing soccer.
  • Describe his hair:
    He has short, straight dark hair.
  • What is he wearing?
    He's wearing sneackers.
  • What is he wearing?
    He's wearing shorts.
  • What is the name of this sport?
    It's name is basketball.