
"Annoying" personality types

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  • Someone who tells an authority figure when someone else does something wrong.
    A talle-tail/A snitch
  • someone who frequently adds bad news and negative feelings to a gathering
    A debbie-downer
  • A person who typically leaves messes everywhere
    A slob
  • הוא השתולל כמו ילד קטן
    He threw a fit like a little boy
  • Someone who cannot focus on one activity
    A scatterbrain
  • זה ככ מעצבן שאנשים מעשנים לידי
    It's so annoying when people smoke next to me
  • A person who is obsessed with cleanliness
    A neat freak
  • אל תתעצבן מכל דבר
  • A person who is overly concerned with propriety and decorum
    A prude
  • A person who is overly concerned with propriety and decorum
    A prude
  • אני לא יכול לסבול את זה
    i can't stand it
  • הרעש הזה מעצבן – בבקשה תנמיך אותו
    This noise is annoying - please turn it down
  • יש אנשים שאוהבים ג'אז אבל אותי זה מעצבן
    Some people like jazz but i find it annoying
  • A person who is clumsy.
    A Klutz
  • Someone who is always asking for money or other resources
    A mooch
  • Someone who is constantly talking about how great they are
    A braggart
  • An eccentric or crazy person
    A crackpot
  • A person who says they'll do something but then doesn't follow through
    A flake
  • A person who is overly concerned with propriety and decorum
    A prude
  •  הבוס התעצבן על כל העובדים
    The boss was angry with all the employees
  • A person who is constantly talking or talks too much
    A chatterbox
  • Someone who says flattering but insincere things to someone for personal gain
    A brown-nose
  • A person who insists other people follow the rules.
    A stickler
  • הוא התחרפן מעצבים
    he went balistic
  • A person who is overly concerned with propriety and decorum
    A prude
  • Someone who is always trying to demonstrate their talents.
    A showoff
  • A person who is overly concerned with propriety and decorum
    A prude
  • A person who throws rubbish on the ground
    A litterbug