
WonderSkills Intermediate 1 Unit 2

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  • What do the three friends need to do before they can leave the nest?
    They need to learn to fly.
  • Who are the characters in the story?
    Fluff, Tuff and Little Flap.
  • How does Little Flap feel when it's time to fly?
  • Where do Fluff and Tuff live?
    Next to Flap.
  • Why do the three friends want to go outside of their nests?
    To see the world.
  • Where does little Flap live?
    Little Flap lives in a nest.
  • What does Little Flap do everyday?
    He practices hard everyday.
  • What happens when Tuff tells Little flap to be brave?
    They flap their wings quickly and jump off the branch.
  • What does Fluff do with her wings?
    She flaps her wings up and down.
  • What does Little Flap do that makes him worried?
    He looks at the ground.
  • What happens when they land?
    Little Flap finds a juicy worm.
  • Why can nothing bad happen?
    Because Tuff is with Little Flap.
  • Why does Little Flap feel safe?
    Because Fluff and Tuff stay close to him.