
Reading Comprehension - Families Work - Lesson 9

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  • Is this family similar or different to your family?
  • What does Steve do at the fire house?
    He makes sure the tools work properly and checks the hoses and fire trucks.
  • What is Ellen's husband’s job?
    A firefighter
  • What did the family have to choose between buying?
    A new laptop and a new washing machine.
  • What do you want to buy?
  • What did Zac want?
    A new laptop
  • What is Ellen's job?
    A doctor for children.
  • What do you need to buy?
  • What chores do you do?
  • Tell me some of your wants and some of your needs.
  • How do you help your family?
  • What is a pediatrician?
    A doctor for children
  • What does Hanna do at home?
    Sets the table for dinner and helps wash the dishes.