
Used to / Would Conversation

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  • Talk about your country’s past, how was the past different from the present: Work
    your answer
  • Are there any foods or drinks that you used to hate when you were younger that you like now?
    your answer
  • Where did you use to play when you were a child?
    your answer
  • Talk about your country’s past, how was the past different from the present: School
    your answer
  • What would you do at Christmas?
    your answer
  • How is your typical day different from when you were younger?
    your answer
  • Talk about your country’s past, how was the past different from the present: Clothing
    your answer
  • How often would you get in trouble when you were younger?
    your answer
  • What did you use to look like when you were a teenager/younger?
    your answer
  • Talk about your country’s past, how was the past different from the present: Weddings
    your answer
  • Talk about your country’s past, how was the past different from the present: Recreation (free time activities)
    your answer
  • What clothes did you use to wear?
    your answer
  • What used to be your favorite game to play?
    your answer
  • How has the place where you grew up changed over the years?
    your answer
  • Where did you use to go on holiday?
    your answer