
Context Clues MS/HS Vocab

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  • Sublime - The sunrise over the ocean was so sublime that it left everyone on the beach in awe, their mouths hanging open in wonder.
    Something that is incredibly beautiful or impressive, often to the point of feeling awe or wonder.
  • Brooded: After failing the test, he brooded over his mistakes, trying to figure out what went wrong.
    To think deeply and often unhappily about something for a long time.
  • Congregated: The students congregated in the courtyard before the start of the school assembly, forming a large and excited crowd.
    Gathered or assembled together in one place, usually referring to a group of people coming together.
  • Grandeur: The grandeur of the ancient palace was evident in its towering columns, intricate carvings, and vast courtyards.
    The quality of being impressive, magnificent, or grand in scale and appearance.
  • Subdued: At the library, people spoke in subdued whispers, respecting the need for quiet in the reading area.
    Quiet and restrained, not overly expressive or intense.
  • Diverted: The road was closed due to construction, so we had to be diverted onto a different route.
    To be redirected or turned away from its original course or path.
  • Amidst: Amidst the chaos of the city, she found a peaceful park where she could sit and relax.
    In the middle of, surrounded by, or among a particular group or things.
  • Consolation: Even though she didn't win the race, her friends' words of encouragement provided some consolation, making her feel better.
    Something that provides comfort or solace to someone who is upset or disappointed.
  • Bade: As he boarded the plane, his family bade him farewell, wishing him a safe journey.
    Past tense of "bid," which means to say or express good wishes, especially when someone is leaving.
  • Grief: After losing her beloved pet, Emily was overwhelmed with grief and couldn't stop crying.
    A deep and intense sadness, usually experienced as a result of a loss or something very sad happening.
  • Pinnacle: Winning the gold medal at the Olympics was the pinnacle of her athletic career, and she felt on top of the world.
    The highest point or peak of something, often used to describe the very best or most successful moment.
  • Elevated: The mountain climbers reached an elevated point on the peak, where they could see for miles in every direction.
    Positioned at a higher level or height; raised up
  • Serenity: The calm and serene lake at dawn was a perfect place for meditation and reflection.
    A state of calmness and peacefulness, often associated with a tranquil and untroubled environment.