
Advertising Quiz

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  • The short period during TV programmes when advertisements are shown
    commercial break
  • Unwanted, promotional email
    spam email/junk mail
  • Something that encourages someone to take a particular action, such as making a purchase or clicking a link on a website
    call to action
  • A large outdoor advertising structure, typically found in high-traffic areas such as alongside busy roads
  • A company that creates adverts for other companies
    advertising agency
  • Recommendations made by individuals to other individuals about a product of service
    word of mouth
  • To quickly become extremely popular on the Internet through social media
    to go viral
  • The degree to which people continue to buy from the same brand or company
    brand loyalty
  • How well people know a particular brand
    brand awareness
  • The amount of money a company decides to spend on advertising
    advertising budget
  • A memorable motto or phrase used in a clan, political, commercial, religious, and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the goal of persuading members of the public or a more defined target group.
    A slogan
  • The people a company want to sell their product or service to
    target audience
  • Large media outlets like TV, newspapers and magazines
    mass media
  • To have a well-known person promote a product
    celebrity endorsement
  • The time during the viewing schedule when most people watch TV or listen to a broadcast
    prime time