
Create compound sentences

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  • Cinco de Mayo celebrates a Mexican victory. It is not the Mexican Independence Day.
    Cinco de Mayo celebrates a Mexican victory, and/but/ yet it is not the Mexican Independence Day.
  • You didn't wear green for St. Patrick's Day. Will I pinch you?
    You didn't wear green for St. Patrick's Day, so will I pinch you?
  • You can balance an egg on its end. Don't let it fall and crack.
    You can balance an egg on its end, but/yet don't let it fall and crack.
  • It's a good time to work in the garden. The soil is warm and dry.
    It's a good time to work in the garden, for/because the soil is warm and dry.
  • The daylight gets stronger each day. The temperature begins to rise.
    The daylight gets stronger each day, and the temperature begins to rise.
  • Tadpoles lose their tails and grow legs. They are able to live on land and in water.
    Tadpoles lose their tails and grow legs, so/and they are able to live on land and in water.
  • Thunderstorms cause most severe weather. They bring lightning, tornadoes, and floods.
    Thunderstorms cause most severe weather, because/for they bring lightning, tornadoes, and floods.
  • I'm so excited. Spring is on the way.
    I'm so excited, for/because spring is on the way.
  • Tomatoes are popular in home gardens. Radishes are very easy to grow.
    Tomatoes are popular in home gardens, and radishes are very easy to grow.
  • We can take a hike through a meadow. We might find young birds or bunnies.
    We can take a hike through a meadow, and we might find young birds or bunnies.
  • I dug worms from the garden. We went fishing on Saturday.
    I dug worms from the garden, so we went fishing on Saturday.
  • Warm air and cold air collide. Severe weather occurs in the spring.
    Warm air and cold air collide, so severe weather occurs in the spring.
  • Did the groundhog see his shadow? Is spring nearly here?
    Did the groundhog see his shadow, or is spring nearly here?
  • The weather is very windy. It is fun to fly a kite.
    The weather is very windy, so it is fun to fly a kite.
  • My brother washed his new car. It was covered with pollen the next day.
    My brother washed his new car, yet/but it was covered with pollen the next day.
  • Spring roars in like a lion. It goes out like a lamb.
    Spring roars in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
  • April showers bring May flowers. The pollen makes me sneeze.
    April showers bring May flowers, and/so the pollen makes me sneeze.
  • Wind speed reached 231 mph in and April 1934 storm in New Hampshire. That is an all-time record.
    Wind speed reached 231 mph in and April 1934 storm in New Hampshire, so that is an all-time record.
  • We planted daffodils in the fall. They are blooming now.
    We planted daffodils in the fall, and/so they are blooming now.
  • Will you hunt for Easter eggs? Will you hide them for the younger children?
    Will you hunt for Easter eggs, or will you hide them for the younger children?
  • Going to a baseball game is fun. You might catch a foul ball.
    Going to a baseball game is fun and/for/because you might catch a foul ball.
  • March 20 is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
    March 20 is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, yet/but it is the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • We set our clocks forward an hour. We have more daylight in the evening.
    We set our clocks forward an hour, so/and we have more daylight in the evening.
  • The farmer's market is full of produce. My favorite is the baby lettuce.
    The farmer's market is full of produce, and my favorite is the baby lettuce.