
Greek Mythology

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  • What is a creature that is half human and half bull called?
  • What happened to Icarus when he didn't obey his father?
    He flew too close to the sun, his wax melted, and he drowned.
  • The goddess, Nike, is known as the goddess of what?
  • Which goddess sprung fully formed from Zeus' head?
  • How did Theseus defeat the Minotaur?
    He used a magic ball of string through the maze and killed the Minotaur with his own horn.
  • What was one of the purposes of ancient myths?
    To explain the origin of things, superhero (entertainment), morality (to teach right and wrong behavior).
  • What myth was created on the Greek island of Crete to explain earthquakes?
    Theseus and the Minotaur
  • Who is the god of the underworld?
  • If a ship sank in the sea, what god would the ancient Greeks likely hold responsible?
  • Ares, the god of war has a planet named after him with his Roman name. What is it?
  • What is the name of the Roman goddess that we get the word, cereal from?
  • What mountain in Greece did the 12 main gods/goddesses live on?
    Mount Olympus
  • What was the name of the 3 headed dog owned by Hades?