
Vocalic R Sentences (-ER)

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  • Energetic Mallory is a waterpolo player.
    go team!
  • The lumberjack discovered the overcast sky at the waterfall.
    come out, sun!
  • Irma was irked by the earthquake.
  • Alberto, the curious turtle, served burnt birthday cake at the concert.
  • Ms. Hunter, the teacher, put the stack of papers and the stapler next to her computer.
    always busy
  • Irving got the jitters and the shivers in Eastern Alaska.
  • The doctor answered his pager at the bakery.
    I hope it's important...
  • Kimberly had a wonderful time visiting the Liberty Bell.
    ding dong ding dong
  • The powerful general took pictures with a camera in Switzerland.
  • Veronica, the nurse, turned thirty on Thursday.
    and many more...
  • The ermine had the urge to eat herbal food.
    om nom
  • Burt and Kirsten got injured at the parade.
    oh no!
  • Ernie bought some herbs in Irvine.
  • The janitor and the painter climbed up the ladder.
    don't look down
  • Ursula took an urgent message.
    I wonder what it said!
  • Virginia, the perfect clerk, had a sunburn that hurt.
  • Fergus typed a letter about his summer vacation on planet Jupiter.
    out of this world!
  • Hillary, the powerful lizard, ate a celery casserole in the southern desert.
  • Ernest will study earth science at an urban school.
    how interesting!
  • Marissa saw a nervous and thirsty dog.
    here, Fido!
  • Mister Taylor ate dinner at the theater.
  • Irwin woke up early on Earth Day.
  • Oliver, the sailor, served herbal tea on the Mayflower.
    how relaxing
  • The verbal attorney took pictures at the circus.