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  • You're a tourist and can't find the way.
  • You're really thirsty but you forgot your bottle of water at home.
  • You need help solving a maths problem.
  • You are in a restaurant and you can't find the toilets.
  • You need to buy something but you have no money at all.
  • You need someone to take a picture of you.
  • Your neighbour doesn't let you have dinner because she's being too loud.
  • Your friend has cookies and you are very hungry.
  • Your phone ran out of battery and you need to make a phone call.
  • You're in the middle of the street and you can't carry your heavy bags.
  • You only have paper money but you need coins for the vending machine.
  • You would like your classmate to sit next to you in class.
  • Someone called you but you couldn't answer the phone because you're too busy.
  • The classroom is very hot and you're sweaty.
  • A thief stole your phone in a café. Ask for help.
  • You have a runny nose but no paper tissues at all.