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  • I have to _____ the room before the guests arrive.
    get across
    kill off
    cut down
    clean up
  • When are you going to _______ those old magazines?
    chop down
    throw away
    get across
    kill off
  • They are ________ forests to clear land for cattle.
    getting across
    throwing away
    cutting down
    cleaning up
  • This is the message that we want to _______ to the public.
    die out
    throw away
    clean up
    get across
  • I'm going to ______ this cherry tree; it has almost stopped producing fruit.
    chop down
    kill off
    trow away
    clean up
  • Can you ________ $5 for now and I’ll give you the rest tomorrow?
    make do with
    make sense
    make sure
  • I'm __________ by helping people in need.
    doing without
    making sure
    making sense
    doing my bit
  • Dinosaurs ______ millions of years ago.
    cleaned up
    cut down
    died out
    killed off
  • I cannot _________ my phone.
    make do with
    do without
    make sense
    make without
  • The use of pesticides is ______ birds and fish.
    dying out
    cleaning up
    throwing away
    killing off
  • This last paragraph doesn’t __________. I don't understand it.
    make do with
    do without
    make sure
    make sense
  • _______ you’re home by midnight. make sense
    do without
    make do with
    make sense
    make sure