
Vocabulary Speaking

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  • CALL (SOMEONE) BACK - phone someone again or someone who called you earlier
    After how much time do you start to get angry when a friend doesn't call you back?
  • HOPELESS AT - having no skill or talent
    What is something you are hopeless at?
  • TELL OFF - Speak angrily at someone because they did something wrong
    Has a teacher ever told you off in front of your classmates?
  • TAKE OFF - become very popular
    Why has the popularity of TikTok taken off?
  • CATCH ON - begin to understand
    What is a subject at school that is difficult to catch on?
  • FALL-OUT - become loose and drop
    How much money did you get when your first tooth fell-out?
  • SHOW OFF - try to impress others by talking about how great you are
    Do you know anyone who is always showing off?
  • DISAPPOINTED WITH - unhappy because it wasn't what you expected
    What TV show/film were you disappointed with but everybody said it was great?
  • BREAK INTO - enter a building by force without permission/illegally
    Do you know anyone whose flat/house was broken into
  • TAKE THE BLAME - say that you did something
    Have you ever taken the blame for something your sibling did?
  • GET ON - make progress/get better
    Did it take you long to get on at high school?
  • GET OVER - recover from (an illness)
    Do you get over illnesses quickly or suffer for ages?
  • TAKE TO - begin the habit of something
    Why do young people take to vaping/e-cigarettes?
  • OBSESSED WITH - unable to stop thinking about
    What was something you were obsessed with when you were a kid?
  • BREAK DOWN - stop working
    Has a coach ever broken down on one of your school trips?
  • PUT YOUR FEET UP - relax
    Do you ever tell you mom/dad to put their feet up and you will clean/cook/etc?