
No Poverty and Zero Hunger

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  • What is malnutrition?
    Not having enough good quality foods to eat, your body does not have enough vitamins.
  • What is a disaster?
    Something terrible happening, sometimes natural.
  • What is hunger?
    The state of not having enough to eat every day.
  • Is food a need or a want?
    A need.
  • Is a new expensive jacket a need or a want?
    A want.
  • What is a disease?
    A medical condition.
  • What are crops?
    Plants you use in farming.
  • If you have 10 dollars can you afford a new iphone?
  • If the richest people gave up their extra money they could feed all the people living in poverty. True or not?
  • What is livestock?
    Animals you use in farming.
  • Hunger stops a lot of children from learning. True or false?
  • What is annual income?
    The money you earn in one year
  • What is a conflict?
    A disagreement, a fight, a war.
  • If you have money you get a chance for better education. Yes or no?
  • What is inequality?
    Not being the same. One has more, one has less.
  • People who suffer from poverty suffer from hunger too. Yes or no?
  • What is a need?
    Something you need to stay alive, like food, water or shelter.
  • What is a climate change?
    The change in weather over a long period of time.
  • What is agriculture?
  • What is poverty?
    State of being extremely not having money for basic needs