
Transition Words

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  • The hotel wasn’t luxurious. _____, the room was dirty and small.
    On the contrary
  • I’m not planning to travel to another country this year, I’m trying to save money to buy a new apartment. _____, the pandemic makes it almost impossible to travel.
  • The new park is in a sector with few green areas; _____, it’s opening in the middle of springtime. There will definitely be a lot of people using it at first.
  • The grant is nearing the end of its cycle. _____, the search for new funding.
  • We had expected this year to be difficult financially. _____, it’s been one of our best years.
  • It may rain tomorrow. _____, we’ll cancel the picnic and do something inside.
    In that case
  • We’ve added 3 extra staff members to meet the increased demand. _____, we’ve expanded our facility to have more space for our clients.
    In addition
  • The first quarter’s sales numbers are lower than normal. _____, the second quarter’s numbers are higher.
    In contrast
  • I’ve had lunch, _____, I’m still hungry.
  • Buying lottery tickets is probably a waste of money. _____, it might be the best investment you could ever make!
    On the other hand
  • He was absent over 50% of the time and missed the final exam. _____, he failed the course.
  • Exercise has many beneficial effects. It lowers blood pressure, reduces weight, and improves muscle tone. _____, it generally improves the mood of those who exercise.