
The Magic Finger VIPERS Questions (P16-24)

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  • R - Who was going to put his hand out?
    Mr Gregg
  • I - Why couldn't Mr Gregg put his hand out?
    Because his arm had changed into a wing
  • I - Why did Mr Gregg yell?
    Because he was shocked that he had changed
  • V - What is a chirrup?
    The noise made by a bird
  • I - Why does everyone start crying?
    Any acceptable
  • E - What has the magic finger done?
    Any acceptable
  • I - Why does Mrs Gregg go purple in the face? What does this show the reader?
    Any acceptable
  • P - Predict if the Greggs will get their house back.
    Any acceptable
  • V - What is a 'yell'?
    a shout
  • V - How is a sob different from a cry? What does it show the reader?
    Any acceptable
  • S - Summarise the events of these pages in fewer than 30 words.
    Any acceptable
  • I - Why would Mrs Gregg have wanted the children to stop flying?
    Any acceptable
  • R - What has happened to the children?
    They have also grown wings.
  • R - Who woke up first?
    Mr Gregg
  • R - Why couldn't Mrs Gregg see the mirror?
    Because she wasn't tall enough to look in it.
  • I - Why does Mr Gregg think it is witches' work?
    Any acceptable
  • I - Why did Mrs Gregg shout for help?
    Any acceptable
  • R - What was happening in the garden?
    The ducks were walking there.