
3rd Grade History Quiz 1

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  • Who was the first commander-in-chief of the American army?
    George Washington
  • British soldiers were called what during the War for Independence?
  • The first 10 ammendments (additions) to the United States Constitution
    Bill of Rights
  • Why did Patrick Henry become a lawyer?
    He understood people, spoke well, and aregued cases well.
  • When was the Declaration of Independence approved?
    July 4, 1776
  • Patrick Henry demanded that the ...... of ....... be added to the Constitution.
    Bill of Rights
  • A leader of the American Revolution who spoke out against the British
    Patrick Henry
  • Patrick Henry was the first governor of...
  • The king of England from 1760-1820
    King George III
  • Patrick Henry said "Give me ....... or give me ........"
    Give me LIBERTY, or give me DEATH
  • Who was the first president of the United States?
    George Washington
  • A person whose job is to give help to others with laws and to speak for them in court before a judge
  • One who measures land and draws maps is a.....
  • Who fought in the French and Indian War?
    France and England
  • The FIRST written plan of governement for the United States was called the...
    Articles of Confederation