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  • I am paid to be part of wedding parties, what am I?
    A professional bridesmaid
  • I get hired to stand in line for people - I am a professional line stander , true or false?
  • I have to test pet food, I'm a pet food taster. Do you think this is a real job?
    YES! People really taste test pet food
  • Do you think people get paid to be someone's boyfriend?
    YES, a rental boyfriend
  • I get paid to cry at funerals - I'm a professional mourner, do you think I'm telling the truth?
    YES! I'm a professional mourner
  • Do you think people get paid to watch paint dry?
    YES they do! They are called a drying paint watcher
  • My job is to test water slides - do you think this is a real job?
    YES, I'm a water slide tester!
  • I sniff paper towels for a living - do you think its a real job?
    YEP it is!
  • I get hired to block car number plates so people won't get tickets in Iran - Do you think this is a real job?
    YES, I'm a car plate blocker
  • I get hired to watch Netflix shows all day, Do you think this is a real job?
    YES, I am a full time Netflix watcher
  • I give people cuddles as a living , do you think a proffessional cuddler is a job?
  • I am paid to push people on trains to prevent them from being late, what am I?
    professional train pusher
  • I am a vomit cleaner - BUT where do you think I work ?
    A theme park
  • Do you think people get paid to sleep? Why?
    YES, they are professional sleepers and they test out beds