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  • Povej, da se zadnje čase veliko učiš, ker si želiš dobre ocene.
    I've been studying a lot lately because I want to get good grades.
  • Povej, da je Henry danes pojedel 5 čokoladic.
    Peter has eaten 5 chocolate bars today.
  • Povej, da že celo dopoldne kličeš Davida. Klical si ga že 10krat do sedaj, a se še ni oglasil.
    I've been calling David the whole morning. I've called him 10times so far, but he hasn't answered.
  • Vprašaj nekoga, koliko časa že čaka na avtobus.
    How long have you been waiting for the bus / How long have you waited for the bus?
  • Povej, da ne dežuje že 3 ure, ampak le 1 uro. Deževati je začelo ob 10h.
    It hasn't been raining for 3 hours, only for one hour. It started raining at 10 o'clock.
  • Povej, da že cel dan bereš knjigo. Prebral si že 80 strani.
    I've been reading a book the whole day. I've read 80 pages so far.
  • Povej, da imaš svojega psa že 3 leta in da ga danes še nisi peljal na sprehod.
    I've had my dog for 3 years. I haven't taken him out for a walk today yet./I haven't walked it today yet.
  • Povej, da še nikoli nisi jedel sušija.
    I've never eaten sushi.
  • Povej, da se Maja uči biologijo že cel teden in da se še ni vsega naučila.
    Maja has been studying Biology the whole week. She hasn't learnt everything yet.
  • Povej, da tvoja mama že celo jutro čisti vaše stanovanje. Počistila je šele 3 prostore.
    My mum has been cleaning our flat the whole morning. She has cleaned only 3 rooms so far.
  • Povej, da se je tvoj brat pravkar vrnil s Havajev.
    My brother has just returned/has just come back from Hawaii.
  • Povej, da si izgubil svojo denarnico in vse dokumente.
    I've lost my wallet and all my documents.
  • Povej, da je Sarah spila 10 kozarcev vode do sedaj.
    Sarah has drunk 10 glasses of water so far.
  • Povej, da so tvoji prijatelji pretekli že 10 km. Začeli so teči ob 9h zjutraj.
    My friends have run 10 km so far. They started running at 9 o'clock in the morning.
  • Povej, da je Ben počistil kuhinjo in da je vse čisto.
    Ben's cleaned the kitchen. Everything's clean now.
  • Povej, da se Peter že 5 let uči japonščino. Naučil se je že veliko.
    Peter has been studying Japanese for 5 years. He's learnt a lot so far.
  • Vprašaj nekoga, kolikokrat je že bil v Nemčiji.
    How many times have you been to Germany?
  • Vprašaj nekoga, koliko časa že dela v tej tovarni.
    How long have you been working in this factory?/How long have you worked in this factory?
  • Povej, da tvoji prijatelji še niso bili v tujini.
    My friends haven't been abroad yet.