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  • you will save time and money if you buy this product , so it is .... (USP)
  • when a product is very resistant, and lasts for a long time we can say that is ..........
  • ask a question to someone in your class to initiate a small chat
  • You own a restaurant in Girona make an opening statement to introduce your business
  • if you have special requirements we are .......
  • you are selling bicicles , tell us ( you can invent ) at least 3 unique selling points of this product
  • Mercadona has very ____________ prices for their products
  • If you want to test the product we can give you free________
  • you are the sales representative from a company , introduce yourself
  • the __________ of this company are in Barcelona
  • our store is located at 10 minutes from the station , therefore the location is very.....
  • we __________ the product in 2 days.
  • think about 2 objections that have not been mentioned before
  • they deliver their products to your house this is very ( c---------)
  • tell us 3 unique selling points of one Luxury car
  • for your peace of mind this product has a 2 year ________
  • For the first order we can give you a 10%__________
  • give us one objection to buy a brand new car
  • of course , it is expensive but this is a ____________ product
  • Introduce your colleague ( he/she is works in the marketing department)
  • this product is made from recicled products therefore is very ..... (s----------)
  • it is not expensive and it has a good quality , so it has .....
  • You are the sale manager of Coca Cola introduce yourself