
Inside A - Unit 5 - The Forgotten Treasure - RC

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  • What did the third brother do?
    He sang over his father's body, and his heart began to beat.
  • Something very special and very important is a ......
  • Good or....
  • A set of bones in an animal or a person is called a ....
  • What did they do after a week of him not coming back?
    They cried for their loss.
  • What did the first brother do?
    He sang over his father's bones, and the bones jumped up and made a skeleton.
  • A place that has lots of trees is called a...
  • What did the baby want? Quote what he says.
    "I want our treasure!"
  • When you no longer have important, you feel the _______ .
  • What happened to the family after a month of the hunter's disappearance?
    They forgot about him.
  • The baby crawled, then walked but he didn't ________ .
  • What did the second brother do?
    He sang over his father's skeleton, and skin covered the bones.
  • An answer or a....
  • When he went into the forest, the hunter came back at night.
  • What did the fourth brother do?
    He sang to his father's heart, and he sat up and looked around.
  • What did the hunter consider to be better than gold?
    His sons.
  • Something very pretty is....
  • When you think about something again, you ___________ it.
  • To find something or to....
  • Why did the wife feel bad when she saw her husband again?
    Because the family forgot about him.
  • When you stop thinking about something, you _________ it.
  • What did the mother give to the baby every day?
    A beautiful feather.
  • What did the boy realize after the little one asked for "our treasure"?
    They realized that they forgot their father.
  • What did the hunter go out with?
    He went out with his spear, his bow and his arrows.
  • What did the hunter start doing after he picked up a knife and a lump of wood?
    He started carving.
  • When you move on your hands and knees, you...
  • When you feel bad about yourself, you....
    cover your face with your hands.