
Robots in the Future

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  • Will robots be our friends in the future?
    Yes or no?
  • Will robots be good at playing sports?
    Yes or no?
  • Will robots help doctors in the future?
    Yes or no?
  • Do you think robots will have their own schools to learn new things?
    Yes or no?
  • Will people have robot pets in the future?
    Yes or no?
  • Do you think robots will learn to play musical instruments?
    Yes or no?
  • Do you think robots will clean our houses?
    Yes or no?
  • Will robots be able to cook our meals?
    Yes or no?
  • Will robots help us with our homework?
    Yes or no?
  • Will robots do all the farming for us?
    Yes or no?
  • What jobs do you think robots will do in the future?
  • Will there be robot teachers in schools one day?
    Yes or no?
  • Will robots be in every house?
    Yes or no?