
C1 Complete Advanced U2 - Reading Lead-In

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  • Why and when is it easy/hard for you to engage with learning English? Are there any particularly (de)motivating tasks or passtimes that you do in English?
  • Do you think it's better for everybody to read subtitles in English (assuming they are learning English)? When might it be better to have the subtitles in your mother tongue?
  • How do you learn new, previously unknown phrases?
  • To help you learn English, do you think it would be better to watch the same film repeatedly, or watch a variety of films? Explain why.
  • What rewards does learning English bring you?
  • How much time do you and should you allocate to English every day? And every week?
  • What types of tasks, activities or pass time might help you improve English, but allow you to learn in a passive way?
  • When does "rote learning", learning through repetition, help? And when is it pointless? (Apply to any subject you think is relevant)
  • What does being a "proficient English speaker" mean to you?
  • Many people think watching movies in English is a good way to learn the language. Do you agree?