
TH/L articulation

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  • The athlete sprinted with lightning speed to cross the finish line first in the race.
  • The thoughtful student always strives to excel in both sports and academics.
  • The splendid fireworks display lit up the night sky, leaving everyone in awe.
  • The teacher explained the challenging math problem, and the students listened carefully to learn.
  • The adventurous explorer spotted a mysterious cave on the mountain's steep slope.
  • The siblings eagerly planned a thrilling treasure hunt for their friends on the weekend
  • The helpful firefighter rescued a cat from a tall tree during the storm.
  • The weather forecast predicted thunderstorms, so we decided to stay indoors and play board games.
  • The bicycle race required both strength and endurance to pedal up the steep hill.
  • The thrilling roller coaster had loops and twists that left us laughing loudly.
  • The skilled chef prepared a delicious spaghetti dish with a special secret sauce.
  • The little squirrel quickly leaped from one branch to another in search of acorns.
  • The librarian thoughtfully lent me a book about thrilling adventures.
  • Their friendship was built on trust, and they always looked out for each other.
  • The athlete skillfully dribbled the basketball through the defense and scored a three-point shot.