
CLB 2-3: Invitations with "Can"

  •   0%
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  • I am making pasta after class. Can you come for dinner? (Decline)
  • Can you meet me for a coffee on Friday? (Ask where and when, then accept)
  • I'm going to go hiking on Saturday afternoon. Can you come? (Accept)
  • I'm going to the gym tomorrow. Can you come? (Accept).
  • I'm going to go shopping. Can you come? (Ask when, then decline)
  • I'm going to go to the library on Tuesday. Can you come? (Ask what time, then accept)
  • I'm going for a walk after school. Can you come? (Accept)
  • I'm cleaning my house after school. Can you help me? (Decline)
  • I'm going to go to the beach on Friday. Can you come? (Decline)