
The Magic Finger VIPERS Questions (P8-15)

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  • I - Why wont' Mrs Winter be alright again?
    Any acceptable
  • R - How many birds did the Greggs get in the first hour?
  • R - Why did Mr Gregg go outside in the night?
    To get firewood.
  • R - How many birds did the Greggs get in the second hour?
  • V - What does it mean if someone is 'asking for it'?
    When you behave in a way that will cause trouble for you.
  • I - Why do you think Mr Gregg was afraid?
    It was dark and he could still see the ducks flying around his farm.
  • E - Why do you think the author capitalised 'BANG'?
    To emphasise the noise of the guns.
  • I - When does the magic finger happen?
    When the girl gets cross / 'sees red'.
  • P - Predict what the magic finger will do to the Greggs.
    Any acceptable
  • I - Why did Mr Gregg go red in the face?
    He was annoyed that he couldn't hit the ducks even though they were following them.
  • V - What is a 'forefinger'?
    The first finger on your hand, after the thumb.
  • V - What does it mean if a duck is wild?
    It means that it lives in its natural environment.
  • I - Why did they think the four ducks would be easy to hit?
    They were flying low.
  • S - Summarise what has happened to the Greggs so far in one sentence.
    Any acceptable
  • R - What animals were the Greggs off to hunt?