
Complete IELTS 5-6.5 Units 1-2 Review

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  • The ______ of travelers who visited Japan increased yearly. (percent / amount / percentage)
  • When adapting to a local environment, it's hard to ____ with a local diet, at first. (tolerate / consume / cope)
  • Answer the question using some vocabulary from the board: How healthy is your country's traditional diet?
  • Which suffix can we add to make an adverb from the word "general"?
  • Use the comparative: "Japan is _____ (far) from Vietnam than Laos."
    farther / further
  • Answer the question using some vocabulary from the board: Which is more important in your country's traditional cooking: appearance or taste? Why?
  • Which prefix can we add to make the negative form of "regular"?
  • What kind of traveller are you?
  • Use the comparative: "I eat ______ (little) rice nowadays because I'm on a diet."
  • Define "Culture Shock"
    the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes
  • What's a synonym for "overseas"?
  • Answer the question using some vocabulary from the board: What is the best way to learn about another country's culture?
  • What are some emotions that someone with culture shock might feel?
    Anxiousness, homesickness, excitement, confusion, etc...
  • Answer the question using some vocabulary from the board: How much experience do you have of travelling abroad?
  • _____ farming means keeping animals in factory conditions instead of outside. (outdoor / interior / battery)
  • Which prefix can we add to make the negative form of "convenient"?