
Pastels and Crayons

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  • When Ms. Harrington looked at Aleeza's picture, what did Aleeza think she would say?
    Praise her
  • What had Aleeza learned over the summer?
    To color inside the lines.
  • What color did Aleeza choose for her face?
  • Why was the final draft of the self-portrait so special?
    It was going to be colored in.
  • What did Ms. Harrington do with Aleeza's self portrait?
    Hung it on the wall.
  • True or false: Crayons are more expensive than oil pastels.
  • Where did Ms. Harrington find the nub of brown crayon for Aleeza?
    In the crayon bin.
  • What was the teacher's name?
    Miss Harrington
  • What color did Mrs. Harrignton give Aleeza to color her face?
  • True or false: Aleeza and the boy in sixth grade became friends.
  • -What would they use to color the special project?
    Oil pastels
  • Where did Ms. Harrington find the nub of brown crayon for Aleeza?
    In the crayon bin.
  • How did Aleeza feel when the boy told her, brown wasn't a race.
  • What kind of project had the teacher assigned the first grade?
    An icebreaker project
  • How old is she at the beginning of the story?
    6 years old
  • What is the name of the speaker or story teller
    Aleeza Kazim
  • What did Mrs. Harrington say to Aleeza when she say her self-portrait?
    "Aleeza, that is not your color."
  • What words did Aleeza use to scream at the boy?
    If I say I'm brown, then I'm brown, deal with it.
  • What kind of drawing were the children going to do?
    A self-portrait
  • What did Aleeza answer when the the boy asked her what race she was.
    She answered, brown.
  • Why did she chose peach for her face?
    Her friends were using it for their faces.
  • What was special about her friends and her names?
    They all began with A.