
The Present - inferential questions

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  • Can you find any signs in the video that show the boy starting to like the puppy more?
    The boy starts to like the puppy more as he plays with the it and takes him outside. His facial expressions show he's becoming happier.
  • What do you think the boy's reaction to the puppy's special leg tells you about him?
    He might be surprised or curious about it. It also tells us he might not know how to act around the puppy at first.
  • What do you think the final scene of the video means when it comes to the boy's character development?
    It shows that the boy has changed and learned to enjoy the moment and the happiness of having a friend.
  • What lesson do you think "The Present" is trying to teach, and how does it show this?
    Love, understanding, and connections with others can change our lives for the better. It shows it by the way the boy and the puppy start to care for each other
  • What do you think about the mom's reaction when she first sees the puppy, and why does she react that way?
    The mom is surprised and happy because she knows that the puppy will make her son happy and help him in his life.
  • How do the boy's feelings toward the puppy change from the start to the end?
    The boy's feelings change from not caring much about the puppy to really liking and accepting him.
  • Why does the boy in the video not seem very excited about the puppy at first?
    He's more interested in playing video games, and he might be unsure about the puppy's special leg.
  • What things made the boy's feelings change?
    This happens because the puppy keeps trying to play with the boy, and the boy starts to understand the puppy's needs.
  • How does the puppy's behavior change as the video goes on, and why do you think this happens?
    The puppy changes from being a little scared and careful to being happy, playful, and loving because he gets to spend time with the boy, and they bond.
  • What's the point of the remote control in the beginning of the video, and how does it connect to the rest of the story?
    It shows that the boy is more into technology and not interested in the real world, like the puppy.