
Linking words and concessive clauses

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  • Executives are often those who receive performance-related pay. [Nevertheless/ In spite of], it is often difficult to evaluate how well they have performed
  • We have announced a public ceremony to acknowledge the excellent work done by staff, [despite/ although] not all employees plan to attend
  • [Despite/However] finding that rewards could lead to employee motivation, management decided to stop the rewards system completely
  • On the one hand, employees have to work more hours, [in spite of/ on the other hand], they receive overtime pay or extra time off
    on the other hand
  • Productivity has been declining for moths [although/in spite of] employee motivation remaining the same
    in spite of
  • Everyone agrees that reward systems are important for motivation [in spite of/though] not everyone agrees how they should be carried out
  • [Even though/ However] some work can be done from home, many companies prefer to have workers in the factory
    Even though
  • [In spite of/ Despite the fact that] the targets were agreed in discussion with department heads, they are proving to be unrealistic in some areas
    Despite the fact that