
Easily Confused Words

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  • ....... going to English class today? Can you let the teacher know that I might be late?
    Who's / Whose
  • I think it's better if we go to see the teacher ....... rather than separately- she will be more likely to listen if we explain it to her collectively.
    All together / Altogether
  • I can produce good English when I am not in a pressurised situation. However, doing so in an exam is a different matter .......
    All together / Altogether
  • You know you're ...... good friends when they finish your sentences for you!
    Among / Between
  • He is one of the few professors ....... opinion actually matters to me.
    Who's / Whose
  • Shops will generally refuse to give you a refund for something you bought unless you have the .........
    Receipt / Recipe
  • False Friends: What's the difference between "Sensible and Sensitive"?
  • I think her blue jeans and black leather jacket ...... each other perfectly. It's a classic look!
    Complement / Compliment
  • False Friends: What's the difference between "Constipado and Constipated"?
  • I'm an actor, but I'm not working at the moment. Let's just say I'm ....... jobs!
    Among / Between
  • I must ...... you on your accent. Where did you learn such good English?
    Complement / Compliment
  • You must give me the ......... for that curry you prepared last week- it was delicious!
    Receipt / Recipe
  • False Friends: What's the difference between "Actual and Current"?
  • False Friends: What's the difference between "Embarrassed and Embarazado/a"
  • I agree in ....... with your suggestion, but I'm not sure it will actually work in reality.
    Principle / Principal
  • One of the ....... reasons I am learning English is to improve my job prospects.
    Principle / Principal