
Figurative Language, SET #2

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  • 12. The trees were waving goodbye in fall. (1. Simile 2. Alliteration 3. Personification)
    3. Personification
  • 13. Naming something or an action by its sound .....................
  • 20. I have tons of dishes to do today! (1. Simile 2. Personification 3. Hyperbole)
    3. Hyperbole
  • 19. The ball smashed the vase into little pieces. (1. Onomatopoeia 2. Alliteration 3. Hyperbole)
    1. Onomatopoeia
  • 2.Kelly could come to my birthday. 1) Simile 2) Personification 3) Alliteration
    3) Alliteration
  • 7. My mum complained about my unclean room. It was as smelly as a barn.
    3. simile
  • 6. A little snake was hissing in the garden. (1. Onomatopoeia 2. Metaphor 3. Hyperbole)
    1. Onomatopoeia
  • 3. The car screeched noisily down the street. 1. Simile 2. Hyperbole 3. Onomatopoeia
    3. Onomatopoeia
  • 14. Peter and Paul bought pretty panda pattern pots. (This is an example of __________).
  • 16. Giving objects and animals human traits is called ................
  • 17. Figurative language is used to make writing more ____________.
    interesting / engaging/ amusing / vivid
  • 9. After decades, A man, who was as tall as a palm tree, opened the gate for us. ................................. A) hyperbole and metaphor .........................B) hyperbole and simile
    B) hyperbole and simile
  • 8. She was a glittering diamond on that day. (1. Alliteration 2. Metaphor 3. Hyperbole)
    1. Metaphor
  • 4. The seat is a comfortable pillow. (1. Simile 2. Metaphor 3. Personification)
    1. Metaphor
  • 18. She sells sea shells by the seashore. (1. Onomatopoeia 2. Alliteration 3. Hyperbole)
    2. Alliteration
  • 11. When exaggeration is used as a figure of speech, it is called _____________.
  • 10. My brother hit the hay. (1. Simile 2. Alliteration 3. Hyperbole)
    2. Alliteration
  • The stairs were squealing and crackling!
  • 5.He went red as a beet. (1.Simile 2.Hyperbole 3.Onomatopoeia)
  • 15. The sun was giggling to everyone as it was shining. (1. Simile 2. Personification 3. Hyperbole)