
Creating questions from answers given

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  • The flight was one and a half hours. ( how long)
    How long was the flight?
  • I work in 3d printing at Loreal.( what/ where)
    What do you do for work? What kind of work do you do? Where do you work?
  • Thierry is cooking seafood pasta for lunch tomorrow for his team. ( 3 questions:What/When:For Whom)
    What is Thierry cooking? When is Thierry cooking? For whom is Thierry cooking lunch?
  • I listened to pop music yesterday. (what)
    What did you listen to?
  • We rowed a boat in a park. ( where)
    Where did you row a boat?
  • I ate ice cream for lunch yesterday. ( what)
    What did you eat yesterday?
  • I am doing great today.
    How are you today? How are you doing today?
  • I haven't seen the new movie yet.
    Have you seen the new movie?
  • We are going to Italy in April. (where/ when)
    Where are we going? When are we going?
  • She likes living in Paris because she really loves the traffic. ( where/ why)
    Where does she like living? Why does she like living there?
  • I worry about my health. I amworried bout my health?
    What do you worry about? What are you worried about? What are you worrying about?
  • Olivier wants to go on vacation because he  is homesick. ( why)
    Why does Olivier want to go on vaction?
  • My favorite part was relaxing by the pool and doing nothing.
    What was your favorite part?
  • My weekend was very relaxing and quiet.( how)
    How was your weekend? Did you have a good weekend?
  • The office is about three hours by train from my house. ( how far)
    How far is your office from your house? How long is the train ride?
  • I check my email every day.( when/ how often)
    How often do you check your email? When do you check your email?
  • The metro was crowded this morning.
    Was the metro crowded?
  • I felt terrible last weekend because I had COVID ( How/ Why)
    How did you feel last weekend? Why did you feel terrible?
  • Nadia follows Miley Cyrus on Twitter.
    Who does Nadia follow on Twitter?
  • My manager has been to Italy many times. ( how many )
    How many times has he been to Italy?
  • I took the metro to work today.(how)
    How did you come to work? Did you take the metro?
  • I feel terrible. (how)
    How do you feel?
  • You can walk from one end of the city to the other.
    Can you walk across the city?
  • My least favorite part was the mosquitos. The worst part was the mosquitos ( what)
    What was your least favorite part? What was the worst part?
  • Yes, I drank your coffee.
    Did you drink my coffee?
  • We went to Italy two weeks ago. ( when)
    When did you go to Italy?
  • It was 1000 euros for three days?
    How much was it? How much did it cost?
  • I listen to rap music while I wait for the 3d printing to finish.( what)
    What do you listen to?
  • Marie-LAure is reading a new fantasy book to her son. ( what)
    What book is marie-laure reading to her son?
  • He was talking to the HR director. (who)
    Who was he talking to?
  • I work with the best people on the planet. ( who)
    Who do you work with?
  • Nadia wants to live in Mallorica when she retires. ( where / when)
    Where does she want to live? When does she want to live there?
  • His family has just eaten 20 pizzas! ( how many)
    How many pizzas has his family eaten?
  • I would like to go to the USA next summer. ( where)
    Where would you like to go?
  •  We care about our employees. ( what)
    What you care about?
  • My two sisters love writing. (who/ what)
    Who loves writing? What do your sisters love to do?
  • I am in my office at the moment. ( where)
    Where are you?
  • Kamil wants a new laptop.
    What does Kamil want?
  • The door was 2 meters above sea level because they dug out the dirt.( why)
    Why was the door 2 meters above sea level?
  • I went to the USA last summer. ( when)
    When did you go to the USA ?