
Portugues Expressions in english

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  • "Cara"
    - In English: "Dude," "Man," "Guy."
  • "Tá bom"
    - In English: "Okay," "All right," ''sounds good'', or simply "Okay."
  • Puxar sardinha
    - In English: "Look out for number one''
  • "Bater um papo"
    - In English: "Chat," "Have a chat," "Talk."
  • "Pô"
    - In English: "Oh," "Man," "Gee."
  • "Fala sério"
    - In English: "Come on," "Seriously?"
  • "Legal"
    - In English: "Cool," "Nice," "Awesome."
  • "Caramba"
    - In English: "Wow," "Wowza," "Geez."
  • "Dar um jeito"
    - In English: "Figure it out," "Make it happen."
  • "Valeu"
    - In English: "Thanks," "Thank you," or "Thanks a lot."
  • "Deixa pra lá"
    - In English: "Never mind," "Forget it."
  • "Pegar a manha"
    - In English: "Get the hang of it," "Get the knack," "Get the hang."
  • "Ficar tranquilo" - In English: "Chill out," "Take it easy."
    - In English: "Chill out," "Take it easy."