
Junie B

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  • What is the name of the classroom?
    Room Eight
    Room 23
    Room Six
    Room Nine
  • What does the word "gather" mean?
    To put things in different places
    To get things together in a group
    To eat something
    To hand out things
  • Why does Junie B cover her ears in the bus?
    She covers her ears because the brakes make a loud screechy noise!
  • What did Junie B do at home time?
    She went back into the classroom and hid.
  • "He plopped a grouch boy right next to me" What does grouchy mean?
  • What colour chair did Junie B want to sit on?
    She didn't mind which colour
    The black one
    The yellow one
    The red one
  • What did Lucille say Junie B's name was?
    Junie Baby
    Junie Bumblebee
    Junie BB
    Junie Busybee
  • Who does Junie B say she hates?
    She says she hates Jim.  "That Jim I hate!"
  • You partner can ask you a question!
  • Why does Junie B like the name Lucille?
    Because she likes seals.
  • What happened when Junie B unzipped one of Jim's zips on the backpack
    He shouted and moved seats
    He smiled at Junie B
    He moved seats
    He shouted
  • Jim's back pack had lots of zippers. How many did Junie B count?
  • What did Lucille say happens when you ride the bus home?
    Kids pour chocolate milk on your head.