
Active vs Passive (surveillance) b2

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  • The surveillance team tracks the movements of the suspect
    The movements of the suspect are tracked by the surveillance team
  • Hackers can access sensitive information on unsecured networks
    Sensitive information on unsecured networks can be accessed by hackers
  • Surveillance cameras captured the thief stealing the bicycle
    The thief stealing the bicycle was captured by surveillance cameras
  • The security guard patrols the premises regularly.
    The premises are patrolled regularly by the security guard
  • Law enforcement agencies track suspicious activities online
    Suspicious activities online are tracked by law enforcement agencies
  • The security cameras monitor the building 24/7.
    The building is monitored 24/7 by security cameras
  • Technology companies gather user data for targeted advertising.
    User data for targeted advertising is gathered by technology companies.
  • The government collects data from social media platforms
    Data from social media platforms is collected by the government
  • The police officer observed the suspect entering the building
    The suspect entering the building was observed by the police officer
  • Criminals often evade capture by disabling security systems
    Capture is often evaded by criminals by disabling security systems
  • Employers often watch employees through workplace cameras
    Employees are often watched through workplace cameras by employers