
Thanksgiving Quiz

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  • What vegetable is this?
    It is corn.
  • What is this? What is it used for?
    It is gravy. It is poured on turkey and potatoes.
  • What season is harvest?
    Harvest is in Fall or Autumn.
  • What kind of pie is this?
    It is pumpkin pie.
  • What dessert can you make with this fruit?
    You can make apple pie.
  • What dish is this called?
    It is turkey stuffing.
  • What are these used for in a turkey meal?
    They are used for cranberry sauce.
  • What is this vegetable called?
    It is yams.
  • What is this used for?
    It is used for turkey stuffing.
  • What kind of bird is this?
    It is a turkey.
  • What dish is this?
    It is a roast turkey.
  • What season is this?
    It is fall. It is Autumn.