
WDYK Idaho

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  • Kellog, Idaho has the longest _______ ride in North America
  • It is technically illegal for a person in public without a_____ on their face in Pocatello, Idaho.
  • Rigby. ID is known as the birthplace of _____ since it is Philo T. Farnsworth’s hometown?
  • What politician and beauty pageant winner was born in Sandpoint ID in 1964
  • Idaho's state seal is the ONLY one in the country designed by
    A woman (Emma Edwards, 1890)
  • The Brundage Tree collects tons of ______ from Idaho skiers?
  • Idaho was the ____rd state to enter the union in 1890
  • Borah Peak is the highest point in Idaho. How hight +/- 1000 feet
    12,662 feet
  • The world’s first alpine skiing chairlift was built in Sun Valley in 1936. How much did it cost ride? +/- .25
    35 cents
  • Idaho sells 70% of the US supply of _____
  • What is the state fruit of Idaho
  • In Idaho, it’s against the law for anyone over the age of _____ to ride a motorcycle? +/- 5